We at Bremen Community Methodist Church strive to provide many ways for you to grow your faith and help us make disciples of Christ. While some of our ministries are within the church walls, many others reach into the community and beyond. Bremen Community Methodist Church has a ministry to fit your interests and talents.
Our choir performs during the Sunday morning service from September through May. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. beginning in mid-August. It is a long-standing tradition that our church performs a beautiful cantata on Christmas Eve. See our “Events” tab for more details.
Pastor Linda Ward leads a weekly Bible Study. All are welcome on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. or Thursdays at 2:00 p.m.
“Christian to the Core” Bible Study Series starting in January, with three options to attend:
Young Adult Class (ages 16 and up) will meet on Mondays at 7:00 pm
beginning January 6, led by Pastor Linda.
Adult Sunday School Class will meet at 9:00 am starting January 5, led
by Kelley Tripp.
Bible Study Class will meet on Fridays at 2:00 pm starting January 10, led by Pastor Linda.
Please let Pastor Linda know if you plan to attend any of these studies
so that books can be ordered. Donations to cover the $12 cost of the
books can be given during class.
In partnership with a few other area churches, Bremen Community Methodist Church provides a bag full of healthy breakfast foods for students at Rushville Middle School. Monetary donations are always welcome, and volunteer breakfast packers are needed weekly during the school year.
The Village of Bremen provides a free swim session on Tuesdays from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Bremen Pool. In partnership with Bremen Bethel Presbyterian Church, Bremen Community Methodist Church provides snacks for the pool patrons during that time. We are always looking for friendly faces to supply the snacks and share them with our local swimmers.
If you have an interest in sewing, you may want to join the quilt ministry group on Fridays from 3:00-5:00 p.m. This group meets in our newly remodeled quilt room in the church basement to create beautiful quilts for those in need of physical or emotional healing. These quilts are placed on the altar so that knots can be tied and prayers can be lifted for each recipient.
The troop holds their regular meetings in the Bremen Community Methodist Church Fellowship Hall on Sunday evenings. On the fourth Sunday of every month, the troop prepares and serves a pancake breakfast before the church service. Donations are appreciated and used toward Scout’s camp fees.
Dartball is an opportunity for fellowship and friendly competition with other churches in the Fairfield County area. Players throw darts at a board that resembles a baseball diamond, with outs and runs recorded as they are in a baseball game. We play three, nine-inning games on Monday nights in October through February. Youth and adults of any skill level are invited to join the team.
One of the biggest ways that we make an impact with the food pantry is through our Next to New Sale. We take donations of gently used items and offer them at low prices in an effort to help local families with Christmas shopping. This event is held every November and proceeds are used to buy sweatshirts for food pantry families.
Each month Bremen Community Methodist Church focuses on collecting a specific taxable item for distribution through the food pantry. We welcome donations of the items listed below:
January: Shampoo
February: Dish soap
March: Facial tissue
April: Paper towels
May: Toilet paper
June: Laundry detergent
July: Bar soap
August: Toothpaste
September: Shampoo
October: Dish soap
November: Facial tissues
December: Paper towels
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